Eternal Economics is Metaeconomics - Pankaj Gandhi

In today the world, we daily encounter the question of economics. The whole world tried to understand and define the economics. It has its own philosophy and at every stage of time everyone had tried to define it in their own way. If we go word by word, then it means knowledge of value, it can be called the science of whatever is meaningful. To make it a little more simple, the science of whatever is valuable or the science which studies the increase in value. Many scientists and experts have explained such a simple scripture in their own way. Broadly speaking, it is divided into macro and micro economics. Micro means studies economics at the individual or micro level while macro at the broad and group level. When the economic environment started becoming more complex, new term systems and studies started coming, then the study of economics moved beyond micro and macro to meso economics and then to the extension of metaeconomics coming under the definition given by the West.


Anyway, nowadays the word meta is being heard everywhere. Initially we heard Meta Physics, later Metadata then Metaverse, Facebook company itself changed its name to Meta. Now since meta is discussed everywhere, we thought why not search Meta in economics too. Although the term Metaeconomics has been used and defined by some scholars of the West. Including morality in his meta definitions, it is believed that a person balances his own interest as well as taking care of the shared interest or the interest of others. That is why it is also called the principle of Dual Interest Theory. But even after this definition, the Metaeconomics defined by west has remained a limited economics instead of meta.


Whatever the West may say, but according to me, Eternal Economics is Meta Economics not that they define it. Anyway, meta means beyond, beyond thinking, that's why it is also called Parascience and Eternal Economics also says the same. This universe includes all those things of known unknown which we cannot imagine today. It says that the present value of anything, its change or its value in future is not affected only by that thing or its demand or supply, ecosystems beyond control can also affect the present and future value of things that are often not within the control of the two individuals or two countries making the deal. We, our system or the earth are bound and interdependent with many known and unknown things in such a way that even an unknown incident happening somewhere in the corner can affect us.


For example, in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, there are many countries which are not connected but the sudden incident is affecting their economy. Like it is being said that Corona has come out of the lab, so many countries who were developing at their own pace got affected by some incident happening in a far away country. Even today, their economy affected by Corona is not able to stand, which was not in their control. Today our earth is moving around the Sun in its own tune and everything is based on the celestial balance, it is not in our control to be stable. Sun is the most basic condition of our existence. Eternal Economics, which I call meta-economics, tells that the value of a factor is determined not only by demand supply but also by meta-economics, which is something beyond.


I believe that economics is self-existent. Factors have spread since the beginning of the known and unknown universes but due to the limitation of knowledge about their usefulness or knowledge to make a factor useful, the scope of economics has been limited for a long time. Economics is so vast that it covers the entire known and unknown universe and also all the elements of these universes. Even at present the study of economics is restricted and it evolves only around human beings, their needs and factors which only they know how to put the factors to their use or how they are valuable to them.


For example the Sun. The study of the usefulness of the sun which is providing us so much value today, we can neither cover it in micro, macro or meso nor in the western definition of meta. The study of this valuable Sun can be the subject matter of Metaeconomics or what I call Eternal Economics. Sun has existed for millions of years in creation. In known and unknown universe, there is not just one such sun, there are many such suns. Today, what we are discussing about solar energy and other renewable energy, we are researching or using it, it is not that we have invented this energy, or we have created its existence. Now we have started recognizing it slowly, slowly we have started knowing about it and as we have come to know, we have also come to know about its utility and now our focus has gone towards it, and we started to get unlimited storage of energy. Similarly, the new sources of solar, wind and other renewable energy, which are automatically beyond our control, have also discovered for the availability of energy, which is easy and accessible. There is no discrimination in its distribution either. This production means of life and value on earth cannot be studied in any other micro, macro or meso economics other than metaeconomics.


Sun is just an example, there are many means of production on which we have no control, but today's economy is being run by them, just like the waves of radio, TV or internet. You can also call it Brahma energy. No one knows the sources and properties and possibilities of space completely except our own solar system and some of its surroundings. Today many such things present in space which are not valuable for us in today's relativity may become valuable for us tomorrow, it is not that we will create it, they are present in this known and unknown space with all possibilities. May be instead of earth we can do mining work from space planets and floating asteroids and instead of exploiting it from earth, we can do it from space, there may be so much infinite reserves on it that even after transportation cost on earth it can be used. Due to the excess of supply on the earth, there may be other metals lying and scattered in this space, its planets and asteroids, apart from the known metals, which are valuable for us tomorrow. It is possible that the asteroids floating above the Earth or other planets will be a production center for us tomorrow. The above mentioned radio, TV and internet waves are also the most eternal examples of meta economics, we have not created them, they are lying due to the infinite presence of space, we are just re-discovering them and making them active.


That's why the study of economics of the West is the study of application, their meta-economics is also limited, whereas in Sanatan philosophy, Sanatan Arthashastra is the only meta-economics.
