Police Needs Reenginneriing

Police Needs Reengineering : Separate the FIR Process from Police Station

The Indian Police System needs reengineering like Passport System, Outsource & Independent the FIR Registration Process to the outside campus of Police Station to any Third Party Agency Equipped by Law Graduate. This way Integrity and Accountability can be fixed. Same People lodging the FIR and working on this will create chances of avoiding the lodging this. Since the Law and Order rate is being measured by No. of FIR the Police Station will endeavor to avoid the lodging and reducing the No., hence it is advisable to separate and make Independent the FIR Lodging Process from Police Station.

Since the Law Graduate will be lodging, they will understand the complaint much better will apply correct section and will be more efficient and expert into this and employment will be increased. Based on this FIR investigation can be done by Police. This way the FIR Process will be Fear Free and People will have easy access to this being outside of Police Campus.
