Coronamics: Post Covid 19 How the Economy and Economic Fabric will be ?

Corona Pandemic is not going to change the Economics only for few times, This new Coronamics will rule the economy till the medicine for this and fear for bio war does not stop. To start with this Coronamics let’s discuss Some Fact About Corona Pandemic. There are no sales except essential goods means no movement in most of Goods & Services hence GDP almost Nil and Growth is Negative YoY. Almost all Business is facing gross loss except for the essential goods industry. supply chain last leg is closed. World Bank said GDP is Zero for India and Entire Asia. Next year the growth rate predicted at 1.8 and It will take 3 years with a high growth rate of 8.5 to reach a 7% rate. worldwide 160 Crores unemployment predicted. In India 11 Crores MSMEs are affected. All government targets and ratings are finished. All budget allocations are not being fulfilled. Per Day Loss is 4.5 Bn $ in Lockdown one and at top aviation and hospitality is badly affected and at leg barber and salon is finished.
These facts give us negative vibes but still, there is a lot of hopes and positive vibes for India. In India as per its size and complex structure of populations spread rate is slow compared to the rest World. Though infection is not tested and measurable but death is very less and which is measurable means death rate is very much under control even we are unaware of the infection at large due to lack of testing, hence Indians immune system is having well-fighting strength. For the economy and society, it is time for bounce-back who left in the development race, and this crisis created space for leadership development. A new reset economy will give more chances to a backward and deprived population and this is the time to grab this opportunity. Decentralization of Skill will create economic activities at the town level and across India equal development will be possible and economic fabric will be strong. Fired People will start Self Employment and they will create opportunities for Business Support Consultant Like Cas, Advocates, and other service providers. Banks & Financial Institution will be forced to give loans and debt because they have not done disbursement during this period and disbursing from them will be increased to achieve their own target. The government will Give Many Packages to MSMEs and Affected Sector. Government Purchases and expenditure will be increased. India can be Outsourcing HUB and listing is already in the process in which work can be done as a work from home and which can be in the hybrid system and where going location is required, it will reduce the cost of operation and increase the profit. Reducing Salary and Lockdown has created a saving habit and distraction from lavish expenses. Globally, buyers have already shifted to India to source ceramics, home, fashion, and lifestyle goods and now this speed will grow up. The drive to look for alternatives internationally can be beneficial for India to enter multiple trade channels as a supplier of raw materials and manufactured goods. In changing world dynamics and the New International Supply Chain Model, India is having Important Place. India is able to Invite Industries from China and around a thousand foreign manufacturers to want to relocate their production to India. They look at India as an alternative to China. Reportedly, at least 300 are already talking with the Indian government for production in a wide range of sectors, including electronics, medicine, and textiles. Infrastructural development around manufacturing facilities will boost to local economy and employment. This year, the government has proposals to hike import duties on more than 300 products, and the Indian government is already exploring alternative countries for over 1,000 items to replace China as their supplier. the pandemic has instilled a shift in consumer psychology, and the outcome will be an altered behavior towards the market, especially China and its products. However, before India leaps to fill this global void, it needs to cut the shackles of its dependencies. For a long time, China has been at the top of India’s import list for a variety of items. It is no denying that, given the pandemic, the supply has been hit hard. But the Indian government is already exploring alternative countries for over 1,000 items to replace China as their supplier. After this most of the budget allocation will shift to Human Assets Development and healthcare Infrastructure will be built.
Post-COVID 19 sector-wise growth will replace many negatives and fill the created gap. Post-COVID 19 Agro Economy will be a leader, now people have understood the value of necessary foods, preventive health markets (Ayurveda, Yoga, and Yunani Homeopath will have an Opportunity) to regain the place in the market. Decentralization of Economic Activities will increase Micro Sector and will create new and more strong economic fabric. Health Infrastructure and E-Commerce Logistic Sector will increase. Aviation, hospitality, and entertainment sector will be affected where Mass Gathering happens but the people will turn to other media of entertainment and the industry will move towards that side. Yes, the aviation and high-class hospitality sector will take time to convince the consumer Post-COVID 19 and will take time to get reshape again.
If we see World level changed dynamics China Dependency may be ends, attack on China either by Nuclear Bomb or Silent attack to break China may happen, new countries will come to take place in the top 10 economy of the World. UN and WHO Role will be reviewed
To gain the benefits of the above positive hopes the Government Action is Required. Government Buying to be Increased to 50% from MSMEs and from this 50% buying from Micro should be 25%. Policy for MSME to be made in three-part Micro, Small & Medium separately and headed by three differences Cell. The government should effort to make sales possible the last leg and increase consumption. Review of Bank’s Profit is required and reduction in bank interest and bank charges is the demand of time. Moratorium Term to be increased with less interest rate. All Infrastructure Expenses to be Increased. All passed budget and government expenditure to be reviewed, recalculated, and reallocated again as the structure and period for the budget application have been materially changed.
At a personal level following action and opportunities, we can explore. We can execute and achieve our long pending health recovery plan. We can complete all the work which was planned and pending because of office going or work or business load. We can now do expense restructuring and reduction of cost to the extent it is possible. For middle class can take shelter of this and plan much lavish and unnecessary expenditure. We can restructure the work according to lockdown Guidelines and Post Corona Economic Environment. To fight this Coronamics we should open all the limitations, shyness, and ego in Business Strategy. By application of this Coronamics, we can defeat the enemy of economy post-COVID 19.
