दिल्ली सरकार vs एलजी विवाद

दिल्ली सरकार vs एलजी विवाद

इधर दिल्ली सरकार और एलजी के बीच बढ़ रहे विवादों को लेकर आइये दिल्ली सरकार vs एलजी
विवाद के संबंध मे आइये संविधान मे दिये गए व्यवस्थावों की विवेचना करते हैं।
इस संबंध मे संविधान के सभी अनुच्छेदों को पढ़ने के बाद जो दो सार तत्व मिला वो निम्न है।

1.      दिल्ली विधान सभा को स्टेट लिस्ट के 66 विषयों मे से 3 को छोडकर 60 विषयों पे पूर्णतः और 3 विषयों मे अंशतः नियम बनाने का अधिकार है मतलब की सिर्फ तीन बिन्दु पे ही दिल्ली विधान सभा की मर्यादा है बाकी सब पे अधिकार है। ( लिस्ट के लिए देखें अटैच अपेंडिक्स A )
2.    दिल्ली विधान सभा को कानकरेंट लिस्ट के 47 विषयों मे से 47 विषयों पे पूर्णतः नियम बनाने का अधिकार है। ( लिस्ट के लिए देखें अटैच अपेंडिक्स B )
3.   पार्लियामेंट ही सूप्रीम है ना की गृह मंत्री एवं एलजी
4.   राष्ट्रपति ही अंतिम और फ़ाइनल निर्णायक है ना की गृह मंत्री एवं एलजी

इस सार तत्व के अलावा संविधान के कुछ आर्टिक्ल हैं जो एलजी एवं दिल्ली विधान सभा के अधिकारों का वर्णन करते हैं वो आर्टिक्ल निम्न हैं। जिसके बारे मे जानना जरूरी है।
·         आर्टिक्ल 239AA की उप धारा जो की दिल्ली विधान सभा को शक्ति देती है वह है उपधारा (3) (a), (4) & (8)
·         आर्टिक्ल 239बी की उप धारा (2), (2)(a), (2)(b), (3)
·         स्टेट लिस्ट की एंट्रीज़ 1,2, & 18 एवं एंट्रीज़ 64,65,66 जो की एंट्रीज़ 1,2, & 18 के सीमित संदर्भ मे लागू होते हैं 
·         कानकरेंट लिस्ट

आइये एक एक करके जानते हैं ये धाराएँ एवं अनुच्छेद क्या कहते हैं।
धारा 239AA की उप धारा (3)(a) दिल्ली विधान सभा को ये सम्पूर्ण शक्ति देती है की वह “स्टेट लिस्ट” एवं
“कानकरेंट लिस्ट” मे आने वाली सभी चीजों के लिए कानून बना सकती है सिवाय स्टेट लिस्ट के एंट्रीज़ 1,2, &
18 के एवं एवं एंट्रीज़ 64,65,66 जो की एंट्रीज़ 1,2, & 18 के सीमित संदर्भ मे लागू होते हैं। आपकी
जानकारी के लिए उप धारा (3)(a), एवं दिल्ली विधान सभा के लिए वर्जित एंट्रीज़ निम्न है

उप धारा (3)(a) : दिल्ली विधान सभा को कानून बनाने की शक्ति देने वाला धारा

(3) (a)        Subject to the provisions of this Constitution, the Legislative Assembly shall have power to make laws for the whole or any part of the National Capital Territory with respect to any of the matters enumerated in the State List or in the Concurrent List in so far as any such matter is applicable to Union territories except matters with respect to Entries 1, 2 and 18 of the State List and Entries 64, 65 and 66 of that List in so far as they relate to the said Entries 1, 2 and 18

              दिल्ली विधान सभा के लिए स्टेट लिस्ट की वर्जित एंट्रीज़
              1.         Public order (but not including the use of any naval, military or air                       force or any other armed force of the Union or of any other force                       subject to the control of the Union or of any contingent or unit                                     thereof in aid of the civil power).
2.         Police (including railway and village police) subject to the provisions of entry  2A of List I.

18.      Land, that is to say, rights in or over land, land tenures including the relation of landlord and tenant, and the collection of rents; transfer and alienation of agricultural land; land improvement and agricultural loans; colonization.
           एंट्रीज़ 64,65,66 जो की एंट्रीज़ 1,2, & 18 के सीमित संदर्भ मे लागू होते हैं।

64.    Offences against laws with respect to any of the matters in   
        this List.
65.    Jurisdiction and powers of all courts, except the Supreme
        Court, with respect to any of the matters in this List.
66.    Fees in respect of any of the matters in this List, but not
        including fees taken in any court.

                       स्टेट लिस्ट के 66 एंट्रीज़ मे से उपरोक्त कुल 6 एंट्रीज़ को छोड़ कर पूरा का पूरा 60 विषय जो की  स्टेट           लिस्ट मे आता है और कानकरेंट लिस्ट के 47 विषय के ऊपर अधिकार दिल्ली विधान सभा को है।
            स्टेट लिस्ट एवं कानकरेंट लिस्ट अपेंडिक्स A एवं B अटैच है उसे पढ़ें।

उप धारा (4) : यह धारा ही मुख्य विवाद की जड़ है

            इसमे लिखा है की सीएम की अगुवाई मे मंत्रियों का एक समूह एलजी को सहायता और सलाह देगा
            उसके कर्तव्यों के निर्वहन मे यहाँ थोड़ा भ्रम यह है की यहाँ “in the exercise of his functions
             किसके लिए लिखी है सीएम के लिए या एलजी के लिए, एक मिनट के लिए यह मान लेते हैं की एलजी के लिए
             लिखी हुई है तो भी यह कर्तव्य वही कर्तव्य है जिसपे कानून बनाने का अधिकार धारा 3(a) के कारण दिल्ली
             विधान सभा को है, हाँ उन विषयों पे एलजी को स्वतंत्र अधिकार है जहां किसी कानून के तहत स्वतंत्र अधिकार
             दिये हुए हैं। साथ ही इस धारा मे यह भी व्यवस्था दी हुई है की अगर एलजी को अधिकारों लो लेकर कोई विवाद
             या भ्रम की स्थिति है मंत्रियों के साथ ( यहाँ मंत्रियों शब्द लिखा है मुख्य मंत्री नहीं, राज्य मे दो तरह के मंत्री होते
             हैं मंत्री और मुख्यमंत्री, मुख्य मंत्री को मंत्री नहीं केवल मुख्य मंत्री बोला जाता है ) तो एलजी विषय को राष्ट्रपति
             को रेफर करेगा और राष्ट्रपति के कहे अनुसार ही कार्य करेगा। हाँ किन्ही विशेष परिस्थितियों मे उसे यदि ऐसा
             लगता है की मामला इतना आवश्यक है की राष्ट्रपति के अनुदेशों का इंतज़ार नहीं किया जा सकता तो वह खुद
             निर्णय राज्य एवं संविधान के हित मे ले सकता है।

(4)               There shall be a Council of Ministers consisting of not more than ten per cent. of the total number of members in the Legislative Assembly, with the Chief Minister at the head to aid and advise the Lieutenant Governor in the exercise of his functions in relation to matters with respect to which the Legislative Assembly has power to make laws, except in so far as he is, by or under any law, required to act in his discretion:

Provided that in the case of difference of opinion between the Lieutenant Governor and his Ministers on any matter, the Lieutenant Governor shall refer it to the President for decision and act according to the decision given thereon by the President and pending such decision it shall be competent for the Lieutenant Governor in any case where the matter, in his opinion, is so urgent that it is necessary for him to take immediate action, to take such action or to give such direction in the matter as he deems necessary.

उप धारा (8) :इस धारा के माध्यम से एलजी को धारा 239एबी एवं पुडुचेरी मे धारा 239B के तहत दी गयी व्यवस्थावों के समकक्ष शक्ति दी गयी है
            इस धारा के माध्यम से एलजी को धारा 239एबी एवं पुडुचेरी मे धारा 239B के तहत दी गयी व्यवस्थावों के समकक्ष शक्ति दी गयी है
            जिसके तहत एलजी एक अध्यादेश के तहत कोई विषय या प्रावधान ला सकता है बशर्ते यह अध्यादेश राष्ट्रपति के आदेशों के तहत आनी चाहिए, यह अध्यादेश विधान सभा सत्र के दौरान नहीं आना चाहिए, या निलंबित या भंग विधान सभा के दौरान नहीं आना चाहिए। इस अध्यादेश के साथ भी समयसीमा के साथ साथ कई मर्यादाएं है जिसे एलजी स्वेच्छा से जब चाहे तब नहीं ला सकता है और इसे कुछ परिस्थितियों मे या तो एलजी वापस ले लेगा या इसे निरस्त भी विधान सभा कर सकती है। धारा 8 को पूरी तरह समझने के लिए धारा 239AB  और 239 बी भी पढ़नी पड़ेंगी जो निम्न है।

(8)                    The  provisions of article 239B shall, so far as may be, apply in relation to the National Capital Territory, the Lieutenant Governor and the Legislative Assembly, as they apply in relation to the Union territory of Pondicherry, the administrator and its Legislature, respectively; and any reference in that article to “clause (1) of article 239A” shall be deemed to be a reference to this article or article 239AB, as the case may be.

            239AB. Provision in case of failure of constitutional machinery.—If  the President, on receipt                   of a report from the Lieutenant Governor or otherwise, is satisfied—
           (a) that a situation has arisen in which the administration of the National Capital Territory cannot                  be carried on in accordance with the provisions of article 239AA or of any law made in pursuance                of that article; or
          (b) that for the proper administration of the National Capital Territory it is necessary or expedient                   so to do, the President may by order suspend the operation of any provision of article 239AA or                    of all or any of the provisions of any law made in pursuance of that article for such period and                     subject to such conditions as may be specified in such law and make such incidental and                         consequential provisions as may appear to him to be necessary or expedient for administering the                   National Capital Territory in accordance with the provisions of article 239 and article 239AA.

         239B. Power of administrator to promulgate Ordinances during recess of                   Legislature.— (1) If at any time, except when the Legislature of the Union
territory of Pondicherry is in session, the administrator thereof is satisfied that circumstances exist which render it necessary for him to take immediate action, he may promulgate such Ordinances as the circumstances appear to him to require:

Provided that no such Ordinance shall be promulgated by the administrator except after obtaining instructions from the President in that behalf:

Provided further that whenever the said Legislature is dissolved, or its functioning remains suspended on account of any action taken under any such law as is referred to in clause (1) of article 239A, the administrator shall not promulgate any Ordinance during the period of such dissolution or suspension.

(2)        An Ordinance promulgated under this article in pursuance of instructions from the President shall be deemed to be an Act of the Legislature of the Union  territory which has been duly enacted after complying with the provisions in that behalf contained in any such law as is referred to in clause (1) of article 239A, but every such Ordinance—

(a)       shall be laid before the Legislature of the Union territory and shall cease to operate at the expiration of six weeks from the reassembly of the Legislature or if, before the expiration of that period, a resolution disapproving it is passed by the Legislature, upon the passing of the resolution; and

(b)       may be withdrawn at any time by the administrator after obtaining instructions from the President in that behalf.

(3)       If and so far as an Ordinance under this article makes any provision which would not be valid if enacted in an Act of the Legislature of the Union territory made after complying with the provisions in that behalf contained in any such law as is referred to in clause (1) of article 239A, it shall be void.

अपेंडिक्स A
List II—State List
1.    Public order (but not including the use of any naval, military or air force or any   other armed force of the                            Union or of any other force subject to the control of the  Union or of   any contingent or unit thereof in aid                        of the civil power).
2.    Police (including railway and village police) subject to the provisions of entry 2A of List I.
3.    Officers and servants of the High Court; procedure in rent and revenue courts; fees taken in all courts                                  except the Supreme Court.
4.    Prisons, reformatories, Borstal institutions and other institutions of a like nature, and persons detained                                  therein; arrangements with other States for the use of prisons and other institutions.
5.    Local government, that is to say, the constitution and powers of municipal corporations,                            improvement trusts, districts boards, mining settlement authorities and other local authorities for the                                    purpose of local self-government or village administration.
6.    Public health and sanitation; hospitals and dispensaries.
7.    Pilgrimages, other than pilgrimages to places outside India.
8.    Intoxicating liquors, that is to say, the production, manufacture, possession, transport, purchase and sale of 
           intoxicating liquors.
9.    Relief of the disabled and unemployable.
10.   Burials and burial grounds; cremations and cremation grounds.
            *                  *               *                        *           *              
12.   Libraries, museums and other similar institutions controlled or financed by the    State; ancient and historical                   monuments and records other than those declared by or under law made by Parliament to be of national 
13.   Communications, that is to say, roads, bridges, ferries, and other means of  communication not specified in List                   I; municipal tramways; ropeways; inland waterways and traffic thereon subject to the provisions of List I and                   List III with regard to such waterways; vehicles other than mechanically propelled vehicles.
14.   Agriculture, including agricultural education and research, protection against pests and prevention of                                  plant diseases.
15.   Preservation, protection and improvement of stock and prevention of animal diseases; veterinary training                            and practice.
16.   Pounds and the prevention of cattle trespass.
17.   Water, that is to say, water supplies, irrigation and canals, drainage and   embankments,       water storage                    and water power subject to the provisions of entry 56 of List I.
18.   Land, that is to say, rights in or over land, land tenures including the relation of  landlord and tenant, and the  
            collection of rents; transfer and alienation of agricultural and; land improvement and agricultural loans;                             colonization.
     *                                   *                                  *                             *                                    *
21.   Fisheries.
22.   Courts of wards subject to the provisions of entry 34 of List I; encumbered and   attached estates.
23.   Regulation of mines and mineral development subject to the provisions of List I with respect to regulation and                  development under the control of the Union.
24.   Industries subject to the provisions of entries 7 and 52 of List I.
25.   Gas and gas-works.
26.   Trade and commerce within the State subject to the provisions of entry 33 of List        III.
27.   Production, supply and distribution of goods subject to the provisions of entry 33   of List III.
28.   Markets and fairs.
     *                                 *                                    *                             *                                    *
30.   Money-lending and money-lenders; relief of agricultural indebtedness.
31.   Inns and inn-keepers.
32.   Incorporation, regulation and winding up of corporations, other than those specified in List I, and universities;                  unincorporated trading, literary, scientific, religious and other societies and associations; co-operative societies.
33.   Theatres and dramatic performances; cinemas subject to the provisions of entry 60 of List I; sports,                                         entertainments and amusements.
34.   Betting and gambling.
35.   Works,  lands and buildings vested in or in the possession of the State.
     *                      *                      *                      *                      *
37.   Elections to the Legislature of the State subject to the provisions of any law made       by     Parliament.
38.   Salaries and allowances of members of the Legislature of the State, of the Speaker and Deputy Speaker of the                       Legislative Assembly and, if there is a Legislative Council, of the Chairman and Deputy Chairman thereof.
39.   Powers, privileges and immunities of the Legislative Assembly and of the members and the committees thereof,                and, if there is a Legislative Council, of that Council and of the members and the committees thereof;                                    enforcement of attendance of persons for giving evidence or producing documents before committees of the            Legislature of the State.
40.   Salaries and allowances of Ministers for the State.
41.   State public services; State Public Service Commission.
42.   State pensions, that is to say, pensions payable by the State or out of the Consolidated Fund of the State.
43.   Public debt of the State.
44.   Treasure trove.
45.   Land revenue, including the assessment and collection of revenue, the maintenance of land records, survey for                    revenue purposes and records of rights, and alienation of revenues.
46.   Taxes on agricultural income.
47.   Duties in respect of succession to agricultural land.
48.   Estate duty in respect of agricultural land.
49.   Taxes on lands and buildings.
50.   Taxes on mineral rights subject to any limitations imposed by Parliament by law relating to mineral                                      development.
51.   Duties of excise on the following goods manufactured or produced in the State and countervailing duties at the                  same or lower rates on similar goods manufactured or produced elsewhere in India:—
           (a) alcoholic liquors for human consumption;
           (b) opium, Indian hemp and other narcotic drugs and narcotics,
       but not including medicinal and toilet preparations containing alcohol or any     substance included in sub-                     paragraph (b) of this entry.
52.   Taxes on the entry of goods into a local area for consumption, use or sale therein.
53.   Taxes on the consumption or sale of electricity.
54.   Taxes on the sale or purchase of goods other than newspapers, subject to the provisions of entry 92A of List I.
55.   Taxes on advertisements other than advertisements published in the newspapers and advertisements broadcast                    by radio or television.
56.   Taxes on goods and passengers carried by road or on inland waterways.
57.   Taxes on vehicles, whether mechanically propelled or not, suitable for use on roads, including tramcars subject                   to the provisions of entry 35 of List III.
58.   Taxes on animals and boats.
59.   Tolls.
60.   Taxes on professions, trades, callings and employments.
61.   Capitation taxes.
62.   Taxes on luxuries, including taxes on entertainments, amusements, betting and    gambling.
63.   Rates of stamp duty in respect of documents other than those specified in the provisions of List I with regard to                  rates of stamp duty.
64.   Offences against laws with respect to any of the matters in this List.
65.   Jurisdiction and powers of all courts, except the Supreme Court, with respect to any of the matters in this List.
66.   Fees in respect of any of the matters in this List, but not including fees taken in any court.
                                  अपेंडिक्स B
List III—Concurrent List
1.    Criminal law, including all matters included in the Indian Penal Code at the commencement of this Constitution but excluding offences against laws with respect to any of the matters specified in List I or List II and excluding the use of naval, military or air forces or any other armed forces of the Union in aid of the civil power.
2.    Criminal procedure, including all matters included in the Code of
Criminal Procedure at the commencement of this Constitution.
3.    Preventive detention for reasons connected with the security of a State, the maintenance of public order, or the maintenance of supplies and services essential to the community; persons subjected to such detention.
4.    Removal from one State to another State of prisoners, accused persons and persons subjected to preventive detention for reasons specified in entry 3 of this List.
5.    Marriage and divorce; infants and minors; adoption; wills, intestacy and succession; joint family and partition; all matters in respect of which parties in judicial proceedings were immediately before the commencement of this Constitution subject to their personal law.
6.    Transfer of property other than agricultural land; registration of deeds
and documents.
 7.    Contracts, including partnership, agency, contracts of carriage, and
other special forms of contracts, but not including contracts relating
to agricultural land.
 8.    Actionable wrongs.
 9.    Bankruptcy and insolvency.
10.   Trust and Trustees.
11.   Administrators-general and official trustees.
11A. Administration of Justice; constitution and organisation of all courts,
except the Supreme Court and the High Courts.
12.  Evidence and oaths; recognition of laws, public acts and records, and
judicial proceedings.
13.   Civil procedure, including all matters included in the Code of Civil
Procedure at the commencement of this Constitution, limitation and
14.   Contempt of court, but not including contempt of the Supreme Court.
15.   Vagrancy; nomadic and migratory tribes.
16.   Lunacy and mental deficiency, including places for the reception or
treatment of lunatics and mental deficients.
17.   Prevention of cruelty to animals.
  17A.  Forests.
  17B. Protection of wild animals and birds.
18.  Adulteration of foodstuffs and other goods.
19.  Drugs and poisons, subject to the provisions of entry 59 of List I with
          respect to opium.
20.  Economic and social planning.
20A. Population control and family planning.
21. Commercial and industrial monopolies, combines and trusts.
22. Trade unions; industrial and labour disputes.
23. Social security and social insurance; employment and unemployment.
24. Welfare of labour including conditions of work, provident funds,employers' liability,                          workmen's compensation, invalidity and old age pensions and maternity benefits.
25. Education, including technical education, medical education and universities, subject to the            provisions of entries 63, 64, 65 and 66 of List I; vocational and technical training of labour.
26. Legal, medical and other professions.
27. Relief and rehabilitation of persons displaced from their original place of residence by reason           of the setting up of the Dominions of India and Pakistan.
28. Charities and charitable institutions, charitable and religious endowments and religious                  institutions.
29. Prevention of the extension from one State to another of infectious or contagious diseases or            pests affecting men, animals or plants.
30. Vital statistics including registration of births and deaths.
31. Ports other than those declared by or under law made by Parliament or existing law to be 
      major ports.
32. Shipping and navigation on inland waterways as regards mechanically propelled vessels, and          the rule of the road on such waterways, and the carriage of passengers and goods on inland            waterways subject to the provisions of List I with respect to national waterways.
  33.  Trade and commerce in, and the production, supply and distribution of,—
  (a) the products of any industry where the control of such industry by the Union is declared    by Parliament by law to be expedient in the public interest, and imported goods of the same    kind as such products;
       (b) foodstuffs, including edible oilseeds and oils;
       (c) cattle fodder, including oilcakes and other concentrates;
       (d) raw cotton, whether ginned or unginned, and cotton seed; and
       (e) raw jute.
33A. Weights and measures except establishment of standards.
 34.  Price control.
35.  Mechanically propelled vehicles including the principles on which taxes on such vehicles are           to be levied.
36.  Factories
37.  Boilers.
38.  Electricity.
39.  Newspapers, books and printing presses.
40.  Archaeological sites and remains other than those declared by or under law made by                       Parliament to be of national importance.
41.  Custody, management and disposal of property (including agricultural land) declared by law          to be evacuee property.
42.  Acquisition and requisitioning of property.
43.  Recovery in a State of claims in respect of taxes and other public demands, including arrears           of land-revenue and sums recoverable as such arrears, arising outside that State.
44.  Stamp duties other than duties or fees collected by means of judicial stamps, but not                    including rates of stamp duty.
45.  Inquiries and statistics for the purposes of any of the matters Specified in List II or List III.
46.  Jurisdiction and powers of all courts, except the Supreme Court, with respect to any of the              matters in this List.
47.  Fees in respect of any of the matters in this List, but not including fees taken in any court.

Disclaimer : This is my study as a learning and not an opinion
